Early Learning Resource Center 6 serves Bedford County, Blair County, Cambria County, Franklin County, Fulton County, Huntingdon County, and Somerset County.
6022 Glades Pike
Founders Hall, Room 25
Somerset, PA 15501
Website | www.centerforcommunityaction.org/our-departments/elrc/
Email | elrcregion6@pa.gov
Phone | 814-623-9129
Toll Free | 1-800-323-9997
Social Media
Facebook | CCA of PA
ELRC Facebook | Early Learning Resource Center Region 6
SERVING ZIP CODES | 15953, 15411, 15485, 15959, 15501, 15502, 15520, 15530, 15532, 15538, 15540, 15541, 15542, 15544, 15545, 15546, 15547, 15548, 15549, 15551, 15552, 15553, 15555, 15557, 15558, 15924, 15560, 15926, 15561, 15562, 15563, 15928, 15564, 15565, 15935, 15936, and 15937