Early Learning Resource Center 6 serves Bedford County, Blair County, Cambria County, Franklin County, Fulton County, Huntingdon County, and Somerset County.


195 Drive In Lane
Everett, PA 15537-6368


Website | www.centerforcommunityaction.org/our-departments/elrc/
Email |
Phone | 814-623-9129
Toll Free | 1-800-323-9997

Social Media

Facebook | CCA of PA
ELRC Facebook | Early Learning Resource Center Region 6


SERVING ZIP CODES | 16694, 16695, 15521, 15522, 15533, 15534, 16633, 15535, 15537, 15539, 16650, 15550, 16655, 15554, 16659, 15559, 16664, 16667, 16670, 16672, 17211, 16678, and 16679