Lancaster County – Lancaster | Early Learning Resource Center Region 10 | Child Care Consultants, Inc.

Early Learning Resource Center 10 serves Adams County, Lancaster County, and York County. Address 601 South Queen Street Lancaster, PA 17603 In Lancaster County, there is also a Columbia location. Contact Website | Email | Phone | 717-393-4004 Fax | 717-339-8559 Social Media Facebook | Child Care Consultants, Inc. Twitter | @CCCYorkPA SERVING ZIP…

Lancaster County – Columbia | Early Learning Resource Center Region 10 | Child Care Consultants, Inc.

Early Learning Resource Center 10 serves Adams County, Lancaster County, and York County. Address 400 Chestnut Street Columbia, PA 17512 In Lancaster County, there is also a Lancaster location. Contact Website | Email | Phone | 717-684-3333 Social Media Facebook | Child Care Consultants, Inc. Twitter | @CCCYorkPA SERVING ZIP CODES | 17073, 17368,…